We GATHER NEIGHBORS to join God in the renewal of all things…


Resurrection is the lens by which we see the world. Through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ all things are coming into renewal through him. We believe Christ has begun his resurrecting work within us and is making all things new.


We come together on SUNDAYS AT 10:00 AM

We welcome you.

We were graciously welcomed into Debra Heights Wesleyan Church - our neighbor church in the same theological tradition - to use space in their building for worship. We meet Sunday Mornings at 10:00 AM in their lower level. Debra Heights is located at 4025 Lower Beaver Rd. Des Moines, IA 50310.

Use the northeast entrance to find us!


We are neighbors.

We follow a basic liturgy each week: we’re called to worship, we spend time in the quiet preparing to hear from the Lord, and sing songs of praise. We then read Scripture and hear stories of God’s work in the lives of our people. After the reading of Scripture, announcements, and worship through song and through giving, a pastor will preach a sermon. Each time the word is proclaimed, the people of God are called to respond in prayer. We do so each week to prepare our hearts to receive at the Lord’s Table. After receiving the gifts at the Lord’s Table, we respond with a song and are sent to live out God’s mission in the world.


We value presence with children.

As much as possible, we like to include children in our worship. Many times you’ll see children serving in worship. Even so, we recognize the importance for children to have their own time of learning when we gather. Prior to the sermon, kids will be sent to their room for a small snack, lesson, and games. Children are welcomed back into the the sanctuary as we prepare for the Table.